In November, we will have traditional parent conferences. These conferences will be approximately 20 minutes in length, and are a great opportunity for us to check in on academic and social development. Look for a Sign Up Genius link to sign up. Conferences will be in our classroom.
Please remember if you have any questions or concerns we can set up a time to meet in person, or have a phone conference.
Depending on health updates, we may have Student Led Conferences. Traditionally, at these conferences, chdilren came to the classroom with their parents, and shared with you what he/she has been learning at school. During this time familes visited a number of different stations and show you some completed work or demonstrate skills.
As the year progresses, I will continue to think of ways this may be modified. Stay Posted. Below is info about our in class student led conferences.
Typically parents signed up for a one and half hour time slots available in the afternoon and early evenings for parents and students to attend. There will be approximately 6 families during each time slot, visiting the stations in different orders.
Dates of the conferences typically have been in February at our semester break.